Being a publisher is not an easy thing, you have to create all the content while keeping everything in your mind according to your readers or viewers. Whether it’s a publisher advertiser or blogger, they are just because of their viewers if no one likes their content or watches them, they won’t even exist in the online world.

Along with creating a mind-blowing content, you have to put an effort to reach out to the audience that might be interested in your content. For doing that, the best option is to go with an ad network that knows their work excellently. They know exactly which website’s user might be interested in your kind of content and then they will put your ad on that site so that you will get more traffic on your content.

Ad networks are a middle person who deals with publishers or business persons who want to attend those publishers. Publishers are mainly the ones who want to place their content ads on different platforms so that they will get more audience attention and on the other hand business persons are those who will provide publishers a space to place their ads on business sites. By doing all this work, the ad network gets profit from both sides, by providing services to advertisers to reach their target and for publishers to monetize their unsold inventory.

Ad networks work directly with different advertisers and also the DSPs, this helps them to enhance the demand and sell inventory. They have access to large communities of data that will be used to target ads more effectively and in this result, one will get more click-through rates CTRs, and also conversion rates.


PPC is a pricing model that is used by different ad networks. It stands for Pay Per Click. This pricing model is used worldwide by different digital platforms. The advertiser who owns the ad will fix a bid on each click, and then different websites will display that ad to their audience based on targeting options. Advertiser can also get the whole reporting about their ad performance like they can check how many clicks an ad gets.


Some types of PPC ad networks work on a pay-per-click method. Let’s see what are those:

  1. Search engine marketing (SEM) platform
  2. Social media advertising platform
  3. Display advertising platform
  4. Re-targeting platforms
  5. Native advertising platform


Indulging your business in the PPC pricing model means you will get many benefits in your digital marketing like targeted reach, which will allow you to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and also past interaction. Along with these advantages, you will also get a high number of conversions and optimization to maximize ROI.

Cost-effectiveness is a very common thing in PPC ad network advertising because businesses only pay for clicks on their ads instead of more impressions. Also, your brand will get more awareness, and many more people will get to know about your brand by looking at the ads on different sites. Now lets discuss some of the important ad networks that can be used by publishers even some of them are for small publishers.


Here are the best top PPC Ad Networks for Publishers in 2024 and 2025.

  1. Taboola 
  2. Revcontent
  3. Outbrain
  4. Microsoft ads
  5. Twitter ads
  6. LinkedIn ads
  7. Pinterest ads
  8. AdRoll


taboola home www.theadcompare.comTaboola is considered one of the best ad networks for publishers that operate the CPC pricing model, which means the person will get paid for every click of the visitor. They don’t have to particularly sign up or buy any product through ads to get you paid. It’s an ad network that will help your site monetize and appear after your site’s content. This monetization is not a normal one, famous online magazines and publishers on a big level do this kind of monetization.

Taboola is a site that is working with over one million visitors per month. Having a huge number of traffic on their site does not mean they will compromise on their quality. Taboola is considered a high-quality website in terms of ad networks for publishers.

If you want to get a partnership or registration with Taboola, you have to get at least 500,000 visitors on your site per month, only that way you will be able to work with Taboola. Thigh is the high demand requirement of Taboola.


Revcontent is basically like Taboola, a content recommendation network, they also don’t compromise on their work quality. They always choose the site to work with that has high-quality results. Revcontent is famous for its amazingly operating CPC and CPM deals that are being offered to publishers to attract more people to their sites. It is one of the highest CPC ad networks.

Revcontent is a native ad platform, these ads match the form, function, and feel of the content under which they have to appear.

It is highly proven that when native ads are combined with interest-based targets, they will enhance the CTR for advertisers. In native advertisements, the main thing is the message written in it.

The minimum traffic target for Revcontent is just 50,000 each month. This is the point that makes it preferable to Outbrain and Taboola as both o then require a large number of traffic.

You can get your payout after every 30 days with a minimum amount of $50 via Paypal.


Taboola and Outbrain work on the same monetization strategy. These ad networks will allow you to add sponsored links or ads from the sites that are being used by top-level publishers or organizations.

So, what can be the difference between Outbrain and Taboola?

The main motto of Outbrain is to work with high-quality publishers, but still, they look for the level of the site that they are working on. Mostly outbrain will work with big publishers.

Taboola is different from Outbrain, in such a way that it gets more visitors as compared to Outbrain just because of help from titan industries like Forbes.

The average CPC amount on the outbrain is $0.10 which is much less as compared to Taboola which has almost %0.45.


Microsoft is considered one of the best ad networks for publishers until now and even at this time it has over 12.2 billion PC searches every month. Microsoft is also known as Bing ads. As we all know compared to Google Bing is not that advanced and this is the reason that Bing ads still have less reach or small circle as compared to Google ads display network.

Even at this time when many browsers are here, Bing has the third market share.

Many people have searched about the Bing ads and also the targeting audience or people who enjoyed it, and according to their thesis, they have concluded that the audience that is engaged with Bing is very interesting, high earner, and also very responsible. So they concluded that it would be very difficult to to make them convert their simple clicks into conversions.

After this research, they started offering demographic targeting that also involves LinkedIn profile targeting.

At this time, the CPC running on Microsoft ad or this network offering is around $2.20, although that is a little bit less than Google. but before jumping to any conclusion, make sure to confirm everything about the ad network as many people are gossiping about this ad network that about 20 % of its CPC is ad fraud.


Twitter is the oldest social media network but still billions of people are using it daily. Twitter is considered the most popular social media network until now. At the start they didn’t offer any CPC network but after some advancement in the site they launched the Twitter ad network. This Twitter ad network is an effective advertisement platform in many ways. If any company or brand wants to explore their brand more in the world this will be the best platform to advertise their ads.

Twitter ads offer different types of ad formats that include native posts, promoted accounts, and also some of the Twitter moments and some of the sponsored hashtags.

After Twitter, Facebook came and replaced Twitter and now it is very difficult for Twitter to reach out to the broad reach of Facebook ads. But despite having a broad reach out, Twitter ads have very young demographics as compared to Facebook ads and this is the reason why Twitter is considered one of the best ad networks for publishers brands that have a target audience of more than 18-30 brackets.


The LinkedIn app is a little bit different from many other social media apps. This app is not used for any fun purpose or enjoyment. LinkedIn is used by professionals to get job updates and for business matters.

LinkedIn is one of the best PPC ad networks that are running right now for publishers. This app’s ad network is basically for the people who want to reach the C- C-suite executives and also the business decision-makers.

According to experts, LinkedIn now has over 575 million users that are registered with the site, and among these people around 260 million are the ones who are active daily or monthly basis. So according to the number of users it gets, this is the best option for publishers who want to run B2B ad campaigns.

LinkedIn ads offer many designs of ads like in-mail, text ads, dynamic ads, and sponsored posts.


Have you ever visited the Pinterest site?

Pinterest ads have a very unique or different ad avenue for those who are running businesses or starting their new business setup and want to reach out to the attention of different people in a visual world. Pinterest is a strong platform and if you use Pinterest’s strength along with tips and tricks in your campaign according to your targeting audience’s interest, you can easily reach the highly engaged or buyer audience and it will help you to achieve your business goals. Even this is considered one of the best ad networks for small publishers.

Different ad designs are still offered by interest ads that are video pins and promoted pins. Pinterest has many customizable options or designs with the help of which you can present your product in a very appealing way on the screen. With these effective ways or designs, publishers can easily reach their targeted audience number and will get the best website traffic or sales in less period.

Pinterest ads are not specifically for some business platforms but they offer all the formats or designs or to join this platform, to all kinds of business holders small, or big it does not matter. But you have to keep in mind, that if you want to reach your business goal, you have to maintain high-quality creatives, and a strong organic presence on-site and you should understand the platform’s nuances.


AdRoll is an e-commerce marketing platform that launches the simple campaigns of different advertisers. Many e-commerce sites are enrolled with AdRoll like Spotify, Magento, and also the Woo-commerce.

The way of working of AdRoll is like, it uses machine learning way to serve and will also re-target different ads in front of highly interested audiences.

You will find many new features in this ad network like abandoned cart recovery and also the automated emails. This site will provide its users with a detailed image of their ad performance on the site.

Along with all these features, they also have artificial intelligence with the help of which they have visibility across multiple channels on the internet. As compared to other ad network sites, AdRoll has a slow or bad customer support service, according to many reviews they don’t reply to their user’s messages on time.


Every person living in the digital world or working in a digital world needs support or help from an ad network at some point to get more audience on their site. For publishers, their content is useless if they don’t get enough audience on their site. In this article, we have mentioned some of the top ad networks for publishers that also work on the PPC pricing model, which is considered one of the best pricing models in the digital world. As in this pricing model, one will get a commission on each click on their ad.

If you want to get more attention from the targeted audience on your site then you can get help from ad networks and enhance your site with more engagement.


1. What are the types of ad networks?

There are three main ad networks in 2024:

  1. Vertical network
  2. Inventory specific network
  3. Premium network

2. What are things that should be in mind while choosing the right ad network?

Some important points should be kept in mind while choosing the right ad network in 2024:

  • The quality of ads in the network
  • Size of network
  • Ad formats offered by a network
  • Payment terms should be favorable
  • The UX

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