Are you attempting to identify which measure is most crucial for app marketing? Do you have any research on CPI marketing? Are you interested in learning more about cost per install, or CPI, and how to use it?

Are you curious about the best practices for CPI marketing? Alternatively, are you trying to figure out how CPI might help your marketing and who uses it for what kinds of products?

If so, you’ve come to the correct spot. CPI is a highly effective marketing technique that’s used by many, but it’s especially popular among developers and marketing teams that get paid by the developers to sell their apps while making the most of their budgets.

Cost per install, or CPI for short, indicates that the app publisher pays the advertiser a fee each time a user installs the program.

This is not the same as cost per click, or CPC, which pays the advertiser only when a user clicks on the advertisement. CPC is a great form of advertising, but many argue that the publisher doesn’t profit from visits that result in no use of the application or software; rather, they profit when a user installs the application and begins using it.

Because CPI is significant, you should take steps to monitor how users interact with your application and how many download it through which advertisements. To track this kind of interaction, you can use the services offered by numerous “MMPs,” or mobile measurement platforms. These platforms can provide you with the engagement data you need to know about your application, including how many users installed it and what they did with it afterward.

Who employs CPI?

The primary users of CPI are developers and advertisers. The purpose of cost per install for advertisers is to determine the cost of acquiring a new user for their app, while for developers it serves as a means of determining the amount of money needed to invest in order to achieve the desired outcome, or ROI.

If you are an app developer seeking to determine your return on investment, one of your “KPIs” will be your cost per install (CPI). This is a useful tool that you can use to monitor your campaigns and determine where to invest going forward. If you have multiple campaigns running, you can use the CPI to determine which is performing the best in terms of marketing your application. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about your future investments.

Analyzing your marketing efforts is seen to be crucial and has the potential to be significantly more successful than cost-per-click, or CPC, advertising.

Benefits of cost per install include: developers can understand and assess the lifetime value of a customer and price their app by calculating the cost to acquire a new user. Almost all marketing teams use cost per install (CPI) for various calculations and campaign performance evaluations. CPI provides developers with detailed information about the range of budget needed to reach the specific goal of marketing their app.

How to Determine the CPI:

A straightforward formula that can be used to compute CPI requires two things to be understood:

funds allocated to advertising.

The number of users who have installed your program.

Thus, your CPI is equal to 100 divided by 30, i.e., if you invest $100 in a campaign to advertise your program and receive 30 downloads.

Deriving this information will be easy if you use the MMPs, and after you have the necessary information, you can easily compute your application’s CPI using the formula below:

“Amount of money spent on advertisements/downloads.”

Having said that, CPI is only used as an estimate for eCPI, or “Effective Cost Per Install,” which is typically used to determine how well a campaign is working. To put it simply, eCPI is the outcome of what CPI estimated, and CPI is merely an estimate of what the campaign will ultimately yield.

Why Using CPI Is Important:

The CPI of an application is a necessary component for a successful launch because it is how it is calculated. If you’re wondering why using is crucial, you should know that no matter how fantastic your app is and what benefits it offers users, it will mean nothing if no one downloads it or finds out about it.

Understanding the meaning of the aforementioned statement will help you get the most out of your app investment once you start using CPI to perform calculations that will improve your marketing abilities. For example, you can use this information to analyze your campaigns and determine how much money is needed to purchase one user for your application.

Additionally, you may utilize CPI to determine which of your campaigns is most effective for your application. Then, you can invest more money in that particular campaign to increase its reach.

CPI has been shown to be significant, but its value doesn’t end there. It can also tell you which type of messaging is most effective for your target audience, and you can use this information to help you decide what to invest in for future application marketing campaigns. In other words, CPI is a way to assess your marketing strategy, and you can do even more by utilizing other metrics that are in line with it to reach a wider audience.

How To Use CPI To Increase Revenue:

After going over the fundamentals of CPI marketing and its application, the topic of how to use CPI to boost engagement and improve revenue naturally emerges.

Because CPI is a fantastic approach to attract installations for your program, it is a very popular method of pricing mobile application installation campaigns.

It all depends on how you can take advantage of CPI and how much profit you can make from CPI marketing.

1. Make making money your top priority:

After installing the program, a lot of users have a tendency to remove it. This is a result of choosing a vendor that offers subpar services, which is counterproductive because the users who use your app over time are the ones who generate income for you; installing apps is easy, but maintaining user engagement is harder, which is why your app’s quality is important.

It is worthwhile to choose a vendor who delivers high-quality results, and the main error that most marketers make is to overlook the importance of considering the user’s experience with the app immediately after installation or the impression that the app will make on them.

Furthermore, if a large percentage of users only uninstall your app after installing it because they dislike it, despite the fact that a small percentage do, then your program’s download count may be misleading.

2. Watch out for deception:

The number of fraudulent operations has only increased, particularly in the marketing industry. Fraud businesses operate under many different guises, making it difficult to identify them if one is not vigilant.

Regularly monitoring your app engagement is necessary, as is keeping a close eye on your campaign data and alert for any strange activity. The main tactic used by fraudsters is to alter the outcome in an attempt to defraud you for additional money.

if a single source generates a large volume of downloads for you.if a collection of users has the same usage patterns. By collaborating with and receiving assistance from other businesses that expressly offer to provide services like fraud detection and provide appropriate technology solutions to your possibly fraudulent challenges, you may avoid dishonest businesses.

3. Recognizing how your traffic behaves:

Many marketers have used incentive-based campaigns, which have resulted in a large number of installs. However, they have also observed that users acquired through these campaigns are not long-term users, as they uninstall the applications as soon as they receive their incentive and fulfill their motive.

Although incentive-based traffic isn’t an organic audience, it can help your app generate a lot of downloads, which can eventually help you attract non-incentive-based and organic audiences. However, bear in mind that users who come to your program with the intention of installing it are not organic in any way; in other words, implementing incentive campaigns is probably not going to reward loyal users.

4. Keep an eye on how consumers are using your app:

You can build strategies based on how people behave with your app by employing the following techniques: You can begin by keeping an eye on your app’s daily, weekly, and monthly active users.

Ad networks play a crucial role in getting your adverts in front of potential customers, which is precisely why choosing the proper one is so critical. Before signing up for their services, you can accomplish this by making sure the following are checked in the ad network:

that the advertising network is transparent about the costs and fees associated with the campaigns.that you are able to alter the campaigns you have already created. While getting an audience is not hard, most people in this industry find it challenging to get the correct kind of users for their software.

What Constitutes a Good CPI?

We should talk about what constitutes a good CPI now that we have covered CPI in full, along with its applications and significance. A decent CPI varies based on the nation, the platform being utilized, and the kind of application being promoted.

In 2021, the global CPI was $2.21; in 2022, it is approximately $3.6 for iOS applications and $1.22 for Google Play apps.

1. CPI in Various Nations:

Depending on the sort of country you are working from, different countries have different average CPI rates and see distinct fluctuations. This is because a country’s size and level of marketplace competitiveness have a significant impact on the calculation of CPI.

The most expensive nations to bring on a new customer are Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, and many more.

2. CPI of Apple vs. Android:

There has been much discussion about the pricing and features of two of the largest brands; Apple has a devoted fan base that prefers its products over Android ones, while Android users also dislike Apple products and have their own reasons for sticking with their preferred brand.

From a CPI standpoint, prices tend to be higher for Apple users than for Android users. The reason for this is straightforward: Apple users are said to have more competitive prices for their products, which is one of the reasons why Android users don’t use them. This creates a boundary for both users and implies that Apple users are generally wealthier than Android users.

which is why you need to pay more money to attract an Android user to install your app than an Apple user. For this reason, having this knowledge is crucial when creating a campaign for Apple or Android customers.


We’ve gone over CPI in great length, including its applications and the kinds of people that typically use it. Now that you have the knowledge you seek, we hope the future holds nothing but the best for you.


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