The model language that is driven by AI has come a long way and can now understand and explain ideas from both science and math. This new model includes things like solving complicated equations and following steps in math, calculus, and geometry.

It can also work with ideas from biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. It is now possible to read and understand complicated scientific works because we can understand and model languages better.

Generative pre-trained transformer, or GPT, is the name of the artificial intelligence (AI) engine that OpenAI developed and improved to power ChatGPT through its various iterations. Every successive iteration of the chatbot operates on a new GPT with additional capabilities, just like the CPU in your computer.

GPT-4 should keep getting stronger and better at many things as it gets more computer power.

The most current version handles more input and output. It used to be that ChatGPT could only handle up to 3000 words of input and output. It is now possible to write up to 25,000 words with GPT-4.

OpenAI’s fourth generation robot, GPT-4, has been replaced by GPT-5, which costs money every month.

Generative pre-trained transformer, or GPT, is the name of the artificial intelligence (AI) engine that OpenAI built and improved to run ChatGPT in all of its different forms. To be like your computer’s CPU, each new version of the robot runs on a brand-new GPT that can do more.

People can use OpenAI’s ChatGPT software to ask questions by voice. With the increasing rivalry for building sophisticated AI, OpenAI has unveiled GPT-5 as the replacement for GPT-4, particularly in the area of comparing earlier GPT models and subjects like “GPT 4 vs. GPT 5.” In contrast to its predecessor, GPT-5 needs a monthly membership in order to function. This new version of AI keeps making things better for users by adding more ways to ask questions with your voice on the ChatGPT app. This is all made possible by generative pre-trained transformer technology.

GPT 5 for AI-based Conversations

It is anticipated that GPT-5 will show considerably more sophisticated capabilities than GPT-4, indicating a major advancement in artificial intelligence research. With the use of technologies like GPT-5, OpenAI is chasing artificial general intelligence (AGI), which could have significant societal ramifications in the future when robots surpass human intelligence. The competition to create better AI models, such as GPT-5, stresses the continuous search for revolutionary developments in the field of artificial intelligence. GPT-4 vs. GPT-5 is quickly approaching.

GPT-5 is coming, even though the expected GPT-5 release date is unclear. It seems likely that OpenAI’s much anticipated generative pre-trained transformer will perform better than the models you can use now, given how complex GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are.

According to rumors, OpenAI is getting ready to release a more powerful version of ChatGPT in the next months.

According to two informed sources who spoke with Business Insider, the new AI model, known as GPT-5, could start as early as this summer. According to reports, several businesses tried out a product demo before it was released, allowing them to view its improved features.

What Factors Distinguish ChatGPT 5 from ChatGPT 4:

The major GPT 5 Parameters:

1. More accurate and tailored:

The main criteria that come to mind when thinking about the answer to “What will GPT-5 be like?” we get to know that Gates and Altman also discussed in length how customization and personalization would be given top priority in GPT-5. “According to Altman, some of the most important areas for progress will be the ability to be aware of your personal information, including your email, calendar, scheduling preferences, and linkages to other external data sources.

Furthermore, he claimed that GPT-5 would be significantly more intelligent than GPT-4, which has very little capacity for reasoning. And there’s the reliability issue. GPT-4 asks 10,000 questions, of which one is probably really good, but it doesn’t always know which one. Every time, Altman said, you want to get the best response possible, which is ten thousand.

Coding is the one area where productivity gains are perhaps bringing us the greatest joy at the moment. “At this point, it’s utilized widely and at scale. It might also be linked to the highly effective mathematical Q* model that was made public,” Altman said.

More Perceptive Than Before Previously, at the most recent World Government Summit in Dubai, Altman stated that GPT-5 would be faster and smarter at every general activity instead of being good at a few specific ones, adding, “We’re going to make the model smarter; it’s going to be better at everything across the board.”

In addition, it could be claimed that GPT-5 has agentic qualities and supports multiple autonomous frameworks. This would also allow OpenAI to expand on its recent collaboration with Figure, which gave ChatGPT a voice and a body, to improve on-device capabilities for various edge use cases.

2. Lengthening of the Context:

OpenAI should increase the context length of its AI models in view of the recent improvements made by its competitors. GPT-4’s maximum context length is currently 32k, but GPT-4 Turbo has increased it to 128k. In contrast, Google’s Gemini 1.5 has a context window of one million tokens, and Anthropic’s top model, Claude 3 Opus, provides a 200k context window.

Apart from that, the number of parameters in the model has grown. It was estimated—though not verified—that GPT-4 would have 1.7 trillion times more characteristics than GPT-3, which had 175 billion. It has been jocularly suggested that GPT-5 will have about 69 quadrillion parameters.

3. Creates an AI Benchmark:

Speaking of Claude 3, its numerous models from Anthropic have been outperforming GPT-4 on several benchmarks, including MMLU and HumanEval. It also boasts several better capabilities for scenarios involving multilingual usage.

This is where the most significant progress in GPT-5 is expected. A lot of talk on X, Reddit, and HackerNews has focused on how OpenAI should be able to achieve nearly perfect scores on several of the existing benchmarks. This would mean being able to use techniques like internal RAG and definitely handle the dreaded hallucinations.

This leads us to the subject of artificial intelligence (AGI) and the much-discussed job displacement brought about by AI. GPT-4.5 has the potential to automate 100 million jobs globally, but Altman’s statement that it would enhance human intelligence was misinterpreted as meaning that AI would replace jobs. GPT-5 has the potential to improve the cognitive abilities of one billion users.

4. Extra multimodality

The main criteria that come to mind when thinking about the answer to “What will GPT-5 be like?” we get to know that “Multimodality” is going to be one of the shining features of this model, which in the context of artificial intelligence refers to an AI model’s capacity to process and generate input other than text, such as images, speech, and video, is what Sam Altman meant when he said in January that “multimodality” will be a major turning point for GPT in the next five years.

In September 2023, OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT’s expanded multimodal capabilities. This means that you can have verbal conversations with the chatbot. Additionally, OpenAI unveiled Sora, a text-to-video model, in February; however, it is not yet available to the general public. The GPT-4 with Vision is capable of understanding images and responding to questions about them.

Future GPT upgrades will expand the modalities that ChatGPT offers. “We released audio and pictures, and the response was far greater than we anticipated,” said Sam on the Unconfuse Me podcast, “proving that people genuinely want that.”

5. Improved “reasoning” and accuracy:

AI systems are not able to reason, understand, or think, but they are extremely good at processing, computing, and calculating probability in a way that makes them look human. These skills will only get better with the next GPT models.

According to Sam on Unconfuse Me, “Perhaps the most significant areas of progress will be around reasoning ability.” “At this time, GPT-4’s capacity for reasoning is severely constrained.” GPT-5 should be able to solve problems more accurately because it will be trained on even more data using more powerful computation.

 6. Prior to training:

The “pre-training” method is how the model learns from training data to generate probability distributions; the more diverse and trustworthy the training data is, the more skilled AI is at creating new content.

In addition, Joe warns about one more thing to be aware of: the context window. A token is a text segment that is sent to the model numerically encoded; it’s typically a bit smaller than a word. Joe says, “It’s essentially how the model understands language.” Every model has a context window that displays the maximum number of tokens it can process at once; for example, the context window for Google’s Gemini 1.5 can handle up to 1 million tokens. Joe says, “I think it will have profound implications for research, learning, and analysis across a variety of domains if GPT-5 makes similarly huge context available to the public.” “The productivity of knowledge work will increase dramatically, and you will save countless hours by pasting vast amounts of knowledge into a single question you ask the model.”

The most advanced system from OpenAI, GPT-4, can consistently produce errors and logical fallacies in addition to upholding societal prejudices. Sam said on the program that “if you ask GPT-4 the majority of questions 10,000 times, one of those 10,000 is probably pretty good, but it doesn’t always know which one.” “It will be crucial to improve reliability if you want to consistently receive the best response out of 10,000.”

7. Possibility of customization

One of the most important areas for improvement is customizing and personalizing GPTs for specific jobs or styles, as stated by Sam on Unconfuse Me. Currently, anyone with ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise can use OpenAI to create and explore personalized “GPTs” that include instructions, abilities, or additional knowledge. You can actually useCodecademy’s customized GPT, which was formerly known as a “plugin,” to search for documents and specific courses. You can also see the creative GPTs that people are coming up with by going to the GPT Store.

Sam hinted on the show that developers might use users’ personal information in future GPT versions, saying to have “the ability to know about you, your email, your calendar, how you like appointments booked, connected to other outside data sources, all of that.”

Major GPT 4 Parameters to consider:

1. Time is continuously and dependably saved by it.

ChatGPT 4 is the best choice for people who need help quickly on any issue under the sun and are constantly on the go. It reduces the time spent searching for answers significantly, allowing users to finish important tasks more quickly.

Customers will be more satisfied overall as they will find it easy to obtain the information they require with the highest level of efficiency and accuracy. It is also always open, so customers may get timely assistance whenever they need it. It also uses advanced AI to ensure that accurate, trustworthy answers are produced when users ask questions.

2. ChatGPT 4 is cheap and scalable:

When it comes to determining which option—GPT 3 or GPT 4—is better, we also observe that technology dramatically increases the productivity and scalability of the businesses that employ it. It allows businesses to answer a large number of inquiries simultaneously, ensuring that no inquiries are missed, even during times of high demand.

With its economical paradigm, routine tasks can also be automated, eliminating the need for expensive human contact. As a result, there are no extra costs and business processes can function without interruption.

3. It is possible to modify:

Online user interaction is being revolutionized by ChatGPT 4. The primary way that GPT-4 surpasses GPT-3 in the comparison of GPT-3 and GPT-4 is that GPT-4 uses artificial intelligence (AI) to learn, readily adapts to the requests and instructions of its users, and is sufficiently flexible to allow each user to customize their experience, enhancing overall usability with features that are intuitive and anticipate your needs.

4. GPT-4 comes in several languages.

In addition, we see that companies can help overcome language barriers worldwide by using ChatGPT 4 when deciding which choice is preferable when comparing GPT 3 vs GPT 4.

It is a very adaptable& powerful tool that can be potentially used to communicate with clients who speak multiple languages or in other multinational operations. Users from all over the world can produce content and responses that may improve their ability to communicate with other people and businesses that have international operations and multilingual user bases.

5. Passing tests with ease and success

It is “less capable” than humans in many real-world situations, according to OpenAI, even though the update performs “human-level performance” on a variety of professional and academic assessments. The company claims that GPT-4 recently scored in the top 10% of test takers on a simulated law school bar exam; the previous iteration, GPT-3.5, scored in the lower 10%. OpenAI further claims that the most recent version performed well on the LSAT, GRE, SAT, and other AP tests.

In January, ChatGPT made headlines when it passed challenging graduate-level exams, such as one from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, albeit with subpar marks. The company said that months were spent fine-tuning ChatGPT and the lessons it learned from the testing program to improve the system’s accuracy and focus.

6. Providing more thorough answers

The company claims that compared to the previous version, GPT-4 may create written responses that are lengthier, more detailed, and more reliable.

The latest version can now respond with up to 25,000 words, compared to only 4,000 words previously. It can also give comprehensive directions for even the most unusual situations, like cleaning a piranha’s fish tank or obtaining a strawberry’s DNA. One early user reported that it offered comprehensive pickup line recommendations based on a question from a dating profile. These are some of the things to consider when deciding which GPT version is better.

7. Simplifying processes in a number of industries

GPT-4 could change how people work in a range of professions very quickly; Joshua Browder, the CEO of legal services chatbot DoNotPay, said that his company is already using the technology to build “one-click lawsuits” to bring complaints against robocalls.

Imagine getting a call, hitting a button, having the call transcribed, and having a 1,000-word lawsuit appear. While GPT-3.5 was insufficient, GPT-4 does an excellent job at the task when determining which is the better choice between GPT 3 and GPT 4.

GPT-5 versus GPT-4:

How can it beat GPT-4? First and foremost, it needs to beat GPT-4 Turbo, the enhanced model that OpenAI charged users for back in November.

Better at following the provided instructions, this is the company’s most advanced AI chatbot and it has the capability to analyze longer prompts of up to 128,000 tokens, or about the length of a 300-page book; it can also automatically switch between tools, like the Dall-E 3 image generator and the Bing search engine, based on user requests; and its knowledge of global events extends to April 2023, compared with 2021 for GPT-4.

Even after ChatGPT was prohibited by certain schools, it has proven its ability to perform well on tests.

The chatbot has also been put to the test on real exams by a number of researchers and OpenAI. The results showed that GPT-4 had a reasonable chance of passing the difficult CFA exam; it performed flawlessly on the SAT reading and writing section, the bar exam, and the 2020 USA Biology Olympiad semifinal exam.

According to Joe Holmes, a curriculum developer at Codecademy with experience in AI and machine learning, “Performance usually scales linearly with data and model size unless there’s a significant architectural innovation.” “But even small steps in the right direction will lead to unexpected new behavior,” he adds.

We’ll go over what we know about the GPT-5, how it might differ from previous GPT models, and what we expect this new version will bring below. What, therefore, might a more intelligent and advanced GPT be able to accomplish?

OpenAI is taking its Time with this one:

Speaking at the January World Government Summit, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said, “This is more significant than it may seem because these models’ generality is what makes them so amazing.” “We’re going to make the model smarter; it’s going to be better at everything across the board.”

According to Joe Holmes, a curriculum developer at Codecademy with experience in AI and machine learning, “Performance usually scales linearly with data and model size unless there’s a significant architectural innovation.” “But even small steps in the right direction will lead to unexpected new behavior,” he adds.

So what could a smarter and more sophisticated GPT achieve? We’ll go over what we know about the GPT-5, how it might be different from previous versions, and what we hope this new version will bring.

How to Make Use of GPT-5

While OpenAI worked on GPT-4 for at least two years before its official release, so while the release date of GPT-5 is unknown, it’s safe to assume that it’s in the works. As with GPT-3.5, it’s also possible that OpenAI will release an interim GPT-4.5 ahead of GPT-5; however, OpenAI has not yet made an official announcement regarding the release schedule.

In ChatGPT, you may pick the model you want to use from a drop-down menu. However, due to the way OpenAI prices its products, ChatGPT Plus members can use the most recent model for $20 a month, while free users can only use the previous version.

Their pricing structure is said to match OpenAI’s standard methodology. In ChatGPT, users can easily switch between models by choosing an option from the drop-down menu, giving them control over their experience with the program. You can change the model that ChatGPT opts for you.

The date that GPT-5 is likely to come out:

Moreover, it’s not clear whether the turmoil at OpenAI in the latter part of last year had any bearing. On November 17, the company’s board of directors fired Mr. Altman. Five days later, amid turmoil symbolic of divergent views on the direction of AI, Mr. Altman returned to lead alongside a new board.

It’s important to note that there were users of ChatGPT who mistakenly thought the bot had notified them that it was utilizing the latest AI model GPT-4.5 Turbo.

If there’s one thing the release schedule for OpenAI’s GPT reveals, it’s that the gaps between releases are getting closer: GPT-1 was released in June 2018, then GPT-2 in February 2019, GPT-3 in June 2020, the current free version of ChatGPT (GPT 3.5) in December 2022, and GPT-4, released just three months later in March 2023. More frequent updates have also been released in recent months, including the release of a “turbo” version of the bot.

We’ll have to wait and see if OpenAI announces GPT-5 at its developer day meeting, which is probably going to happen in November, or if June turns out to be the lucky month once more.

A quick overview of the GPT models’ past:


In 2018, OpenAI transformed the field of generative pre-trained language models with the release of GPT-1. This groundbreaking model was trained on a dataset of over 7,000 unique unpublished books and was built on transformers, a specific type of neural network architecture (the “T” in GPT). To learn more about transformers and how to use them, we offer a free course called Intro to AI Transformers.


As a follow-up to GPT-1, OpenAI developed GPT-2 in late 2019. This massive transformer-based language model has 1.5 billion parameters (i.e., variables the model learns from data during training) and was trained on a dataset of 8 million web pages. To put that in perspective, that is ten times the amount of data and parameters used in GPT-1.


Using GPT-3, OpenAI increased the amount of parameters to 175 billion.


The initial version of ChatGPT was optimized for GPT-3.5, a model that falls between 3 and 4. Our free course, Intro to ChatGPT, is a great resource for learning about ChatGPT and prompt engineering best practices. It teaches you how to use this powerful technology. ChatGPT joined the chat in November 2022, giving the foundational model chat features and the capacity to have human-like conversations.


In March 2023, the most recent GPT model made its debut; according to the OpenAI blog post on the release, it is “more dependable, creative, and able to handle much more nuanced instructions than GPT-3.5.” In the video below, OpenAI President and Co-Founder Greg Brockman contrasts the newest model’s prompt response with that of the GPT-3.5.

How can you make use of this knowledge?

As a user studying AI and intrigued by the direction this amazing technology is taking, what does all this mean to you? While there is reason for excitement and hope when it comes to the future model GPT-5’s ability to solve problems, it is important to remember that significant improvements in speed and efficiency will not happen overnight.

Head of DevRel at OpenAI Logan Kilpatrick said at a Lenny’s Podcast episode,

It will only be this incredibly useful tool, similar to GPT-4, and it will also quickly become extremely commonplace. “People have these unrealistic expectations that GPT-5 is going to be doing back flips in the background in my bedroom while it also writes all my code and talks on the phone with my mom or something like that,” I say.

When we use language model outputs, especially in scenarios where there are major ramifications, it is our duty as AI practitioners to exercise caution, consideration, and awareness of the limitations. It is crucial to manage your expectations and view each spectacular AI release through a realistic lens.

This provides you with the opportunity to gain practical experience in developing, assessing, and improving prompts for particular tasks with the AI system. For instance, you may learn prompt engineering strategies to pair programs in Python with a chatbot like ChatGPT by reading Pair Programming with Generative AI Case Study.

The best way to prepare for GPT-5 is to stay up to date on your knowledge of the available GPT models. To start, sign up for our AI courses, which cover the latest advancements in AI, such as Intro to ChatGPT to Build a Machine Learning Model and Intro to Large Language Models. Our catalog also includes case studies and AI courses that use a chatbot that is powered by GPT-3.5.

This gives you hands-on experience creating, testing, and refining prompts for specific tasks that make use of the AI system. For example, you can read Pair Programming with Generative AI Case Study to learn prompt engineering strategies to pair programs in Python with a ChatGPT-like chatbot. Look over all of our newly added AI features to become a more competent and skilled developer who will be ready for GPT-5 when it comes around.

Will ChatGPT-5 be offered for free?

While ChatGPT can be downloaded for free, it’s unclear if ChatGPT-5 will charge a membership fee, similar to its predecessor. ChatGPT Plus offers additional features, such as priority access during peak traffic hours, faster response times, plugin compatibility, and access to GPT-4. Users can also make use of DALLE, the company’s AI image model, for $20 per month.

It is also important to keep in mind that the language models we are now using are already expensive to maintain and train, which suggests that when GPT-5 is finally released, access to it will likely require a ChatGPT Plus or Copilot Pro membership.

In summary:

Though ChatGPT has made significant strides in language processing, leaving it capable of carrying out complex tasks that were previously unattainable by humans, there are still some areas where human intelligence clearly outperforms the most advanced AI model. Despite these impressive advancements, artificial intelligence will never be able to fully replace human knowledge and abilities.

Ultimately, the release of GPT-5 might lead to a more accessible and affordable version of GPT-4. The high cost of GPT-4 has turned off a lot of customers, but once it’s more accessible and affordable, ChatGPT will be able to handle more complex tasks like translation, coding, and research. There are still a lot of unknowns regarding the GPT-5 model, but these are the main ones that we currently know. There are many more GPT 5 parameters to come; however, this is all we know about this model as of now.


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