GPT-5 is predicted to exhibit even more advanced capabilities than its predecessor, GPT-4, signaling a significant leap in artificial intelligence innovation. OpenAI’s pursuit of AGI through technologies like GPT-5 suggests a future where machines could surpass human intelligence, potentially leading to profound societal impacts. The race to develop superior AI models like GPT-5 highlights the ongoing quest for groundbreaking advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. GPT-4 vs. GPT-5 is coming in hot.

Although its release date is unknown, GPT-5 is on the way. Given how sophisticated GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are, it is likely that OpenAI’s much-awaited generative pre-trained transformer will outperform the models you can use right now.

It has been stated that OpenAI is preparing to launch a more potent version of ChatGPT in the upcoming months.

Two knowledgeable people who talked to Business Insider said that the new AI model, called GPT-5, might debut as soon as this summer. Some companies are said to have tested out a demo of the product ahead of its launch, giving them a chance to see its enhanced capabilities.

This technology contributes to OpenAI’s ambitious future goal of creating artificial general intelligence (AGI), that is, machines smarter than people.

This grand science fiction concept foretells the rise of an AI capable of independent thought, which would enable the creation of new AI models of its kind without requiring human oversight. Depending on who you ask, this kind of discovery has the potential to either energize or kill the globe.

These are all the details you need to know about GPT-5 as the competition to create the greatest AI intensifies.

GPT-5: What is it?

The successor to OpenAI’s fourth-generation chatbot, GPT-4, which requires a monthly subscription to operate, is GPT-5.

GPT, or generative pre-trained transformer, is the name of the AI engine that OpenAI developed and improved to power ChatGPT in its several iterations. Every successive iteration of the chatbot operates on a brand-new GPT with additional capabilities, just like the CPU inside your computer.

Using their voice, users can ask questions via OpenAI’s ChatGPT app. As the competition in creating advanced AI grows, especially in the realm of comparison between previous GPT models and topics like “GPT 4 vs GPT 5“, OpenAI has introduced GPT-5 as the successor to GPT-4. Unlike its predecessor, GPT-5 requires a monthly subscription to operate. This new generation of AI, powered by generative pre-trained transformer technology, continues to enhance the user experience by providing additional capabilities for answering questions through voice commands on the ChatGPT app.

OpenAI is starting out slow with this model.

During the January World Government Summit, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stated, “We’re going to make the model smarter; it’s going to be better at everything across the board.” “This is more significant than it may seem because these models’ generality is what makes them so amazing.”

Unless there’s a significant architectural innovation, performance usually scales linearly with data and model size, according to Joe Holmes, a curriculum developer at Codecademy with expertise in AI and machine learning. “But even small steps in the right direction will lead to unexpected new behavior,” he continues.

What, therefore, might a more intelligent and advanced GPT be able to accomplish? We’ll go over what we know about the GPT-5, how it might differ from earlier GPT models, and what we anticipate this new version will bring.

Expected GPT-5 release date:

Furthermore, it’s unclear if the unrest at OpenAI in the latter part of last year had an impact. On November 17, the board of directors of the corporation dismissed Mr. Altman. After five days of turmoil indicative of opposing perspectives on AI’s future, Mr. Altman returned to lead alongside a new board.

It’s interesting to note that some ChatGPT users thought the bot had informed them it was using the new AI model GPT-4.5 Turbo; however, that was a mistake.

If the release schedule for OpenAI’s GPT indicates anything, it’s that the intervals between updates are getting closer. June 2018 saw the release of GPT-1, which was followed by GPT-2 in February 2019, GPT-3 in June 2020, the current free version of ChatGPT (GPT 3.5) in December 2022, and GPT-4 in March 2023, a mere three months later. In recent months, there have also been more frequent updates, including the release of a “turbo” version of the bot.

Could June be the lucky month once more? Or will OpenAI reveal GPT-5 during its developer day conference, which is likely to take place in November? We’ll have to watch and find out.

CEO of OpenAI on GPT 5:

Sam Altman introduced GPT-4 and shared a picture of himself with a blue backpack precisely a year ago. Now cut to “Patience, Jimmy.” In response to a post on XL last week requesting OpenAI to release GPT-5, Altman simply stated, “It would be worth the wait.” Since then, nothing has occurred.

Five more months passed before OpenAI released GPT-4 following the November 2022 release of ChatGPT, which was built on GPT-3.5. Recently, there have been conjectures about the contents and release date of OpenAI’s upcoming GPT version.

Recently fired from OpenAI, Logan Kilpatrick wrote on X that numerous reporters have contacted him, asking for the weights and release date.

To begin with, it is clear that GPT-5 will be multimodal, able to support text, image, audio, and video from the bottom up. This has been clear ever since Sora was released. By the end of this year, Sora will be open for public usage, according to OpenAI CTO Mira Murati. Hopefully, it will also be incorporated with GPT-5.

Altman noted that OpenAI is “on this long, continuous curve” to produce newer and better models in the Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates episode. While acknowledging that work on the model has already started, he emphasized the significance of multimodality as the essential feature of GPT-5 that allows it to process video input and generate new movies.

With regard to GPT-4, the AI chatbot is able to produce words and recognize images in addition to responding in a manner akin to that of a human. Its replacement, GPT-5, is expected to handle more kinds of content, eventually including video, be more personalized, and make fewer errors.

Large language models are the collective term for the GPTs that other companies, like Google and Meta, have produced under their own names.

These AI systems, which are modeled after the human brain, can produce text to be used in a dialogue.

Is there training for GPT-5?

According to the most recent news, OpenAI has started training GPT-5 in anticipation of the mid-year release of the AI model. According to Business Insider, the system will go through several phases of safety testing after its training is finished.

The bot will be “red-teamed” as part of this process, which entails having internal and external testers put it through its paces and offer comments on its advantages and disadvantages.

The research confirms rumors that, according to a recent tweet from an OpenAI executive, the GPT-5 may have just started its learning process.

One of the top researchers at the tech company made a suggestion in January that OpenAI was using a significantly bigger GPU than usual for training. The disclosure came after the president and co-founder of OpenAI sent out a different tweet outlining the company’s increase in processing power.

A GPU, short for graphics processing unit, functions similarly to a calculator in aiding an AI model in determining relationships between various data types, such as matching an image with a text description.

Mr. Altman, for his part, stated that his business worked on GPT-5 at least twice during the fall of last year.

Two people who attended the alumni reunion of his previous venture capital firm, Y Combinator, said that he made the first of those remarks at a discussion last September. According to Mr. Altman, GPT-5 and GPT-6 were better than their predecessors and “were in the bag.”

He revealed its existence to the Financial Times in November, but he did not specify when it would be released. OpenAI was working on GPT-5 at the time.

More recently, it was reported that the CEO of OpenAI has devised a bold scheme to acquire the enormous quantities of GPUs needed to train larger AI models.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Altman aims to fund as much as $7 trillion to accelerate chip-making with the aid of a global network of investors, governments, and energy providers in order to overcome the supply bottlenecks impeding technological innovation. So when you think about the answer to the question “What will GPTM-5 be like?” this is how it is being planned and will result in being highly useful and better than its previous models.

What is the GPT-5 capable of?

The CEO of OpenAI discussed GPT-5 at the World Government Summit in Dubai in February. He said that ChatGPT’s upcoming edition will be more intelligent than its predecessors.

Mr. Altman clarified, “This is a bigger deal than it sounds because what makes these models so magical is that they’re general.” Therefore, it is a little bit better at everything if it is a little bit smarter.

Mr. Altman told the FT that GPT-5 would need more data to train on, giving a hint as to how intelligent it is. He stated that the strategy involved utilizing both extensive proprietary data sets from organizations and publicly accessible data sets from the internet. The final one would be essays or talks, no matter how they are presented.

Midway through January, Mr. Altman made the following statement on Bill Gates’ Unconfuse Me podcast: “Multimodality will definitely be important.” It implies speaking out and speaking in. Pictures. Finally, a video. Evidently, a lot of people desire it. We’ll be able to take that even farther, but perhaps the most significant advancements will concern thinking skills.”

“At the moment, GPT-4 can only reason in a very limited number of ways,” he stated. additionally, dependability. The increase in reliability will be crucial since, if you ask the GPT-4 most questions 10,000 times, one of those 10,000 answers is certainly quite excellent, but it doesn’t always know which one. You want to receive the best response out of 10,000 each time.

Customized and more reasonable:

Gates and Altman also had a lengthy conversation regarding how GPT-5 would prioritize personalization and customization. “The capability to be aware of your personal information, including your email, calendar, scheduling preferences, and connections to other external data sources. According to Altman, those will be some of the most crucial areas for progress.

He also asserted that GPT-5 would be far more capable of reasoning. “GPT-4 has very limited reasoning capabilities. Reliability is another issue. One of the ten thousand questions that GPT-4 asks is probably quite good, but it doesn’t always know which one. Every time, you want to receive the best reaction possible—10,000—Altman stated.

The one area where we’re probably most thrilled about productivity gains right now is coding. Altman stated, “At this time, it’s used at scale and is widely deployed. It may also be connected to the very capable mathematical Q* model that was disclosed.

More Astute Than Before Prior to this, Altman mentioned that GPT-5 would be faster and smarter at every general activity rather than being good at a few specific ones at the most recent World Government Summit in Dubai. He also said, “We’re going to make the model smarter; it’s going to be better at everything across the board.”

Moreover, it may be claimed that GPT-5 supports several autonomous frameworks and may possess agentic characteristics. Additionally, this would enable OpenAI to build on its recent partnership with Figure, which gave ChatGPT a voice and a body, enhancing on-device capabilities for a number of edge use cases.

Extended Length of Context:

In light of the recent advancements made by its rivals, OpenAI ought to extend the context length of its AI models. The maximum context length for GPT-4 is currently 32k; however, GPT-4 Turbo has raised it to 128k. Conversely, Google’s Gemini 1.5 boasts a context window of one million tokens, while Anthropic’s best model, Claude 3 Opus, gives a 200k context window.

Aside from that, the model’s parameter size has increased. Although nothing was confirmed, GPT-4’s size was estimated to be around 1.7 trillion times larger than that of GPT-3, which contained 175 billion characteristics. It has been humorously suggested that GPT-5 will include approximately 69 quadrillion parameters.

Establishes AGI Benchmark:

Claude 3, speaking of which, the various models from Anthropic have been surpassing GPT-4 on a number of benchmarks, like MMLU and HumanEval. It also has a number of enhanced features for multilingual usage scenarios.

Here is where the greatest advancement in GPT-5 is anticipated. There has been a lot of discussion on X, Reddit, and HackerNews about how OpenAI ought to be able to obtain almost flawless scores on a number of current benchmarks. This would entail the ability to apply strategies such as internal RAG and unquestionably address the feared hallucinations.

This brings up the topic of artificial intelligence (AGI) and the much-discussed job displacement caused by AI. According to Altman, GPT-4.5 may automate 100 million jobs worldwide. However, when he spoke of enhancing human intelligence, it was misunderstood to mean that artificial intelligence would replace jobs. GPT-5 could potentially improve the cognitive abilities of one billion users.

Additional multimodality:

Sam Altman stated that “multimodality” will be a significant turning point for GPT in the coming five years during an interview with Bill Gates on his podcast in January. Multimodality in the context of artificial intelligence refers to an AI model’s ability to process and produce input other than text, such as images, speech, and video.

OpenAI revealed ChatGPT’s expanded multimodal capabilities in September 2023. This allows you to speak with the chatbot verbally, and the GPT-4 with Vision can understand images and provide answers to inquiries about them. Additionally, OpenAI unveiled Sora, a text-to-video model, in February; however, it is not yet accessible to the general public.

Upcoming GPT updates will increase the range of modalities that ChatGPT supports: “It’s obvious that people genuinely desire that,” Sam stated on the Unconfuse Me podcast. “We released audio and pictures, and the response was far greater than we anticipated.”

Enhanced “reasoning” and precision:

Although AI systems are incapable of reasoning, understanding, or thinking, they are very capable of processing, computing, and calculating probability in a way that makes them appear human. And with the upcoming GPT models, these capabilities will advance even further.

Sam stated on Unconfuse Me that “perhaps the most significant areas of progress will be around reasoning ability.” “At this time, GPT-4’s capacity for reasoning is severely constrained.” Because GPT-5 will be trained on even more data with the use of more potent computation, it should be able to solve issues more accurately.


The process known as “pre-training” is how the model gains knowledge from training data to produce probability distributions. The more adept AI is at producing fresh content, the more varied and reliable the training data is.

Joe adds one thing to watch out for the context window. A token is a text segment that is numerically encoded when it is sent to the model; it is often somewhat smaller than a word. Joe explains, “It’s essentially how the model understands language.” Each model has a context window that shows the number of tokens it can handle concurrently. The context window for GPT-4 Turbo is 128,000 tokens, but the context window for Google’s Gemini 1.5 can go up to 1 million tokens.

Joe states, “I think it will have profound implications for research, learning, and analysis across a variety of domains if GPT-5 makes similarly huge context available to the public.” “The productivity of knowledge work will increase dramatically, and you will save countless hours by pasting vast amounts of knowledge into a single question you ask the model.”

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that these models may carry over features from previous iterations. The most sophisticated system from OpenAI, GPT-4, is capable of reliably producing errors and logical fallacies as well as maintaining societal prejudices. Sam stated on the program that “if you ask GPT-4 the majority of questions 10,000 times, one of those 10,000 is probably pretty good, but it doesn’t always know which one.” “It will be crucial to improve reliability if you want to consistently receive the best response out of 10,000.”

Ability to customize:

Customizing and personalizing GPTs for particular jobs or styles is one of the most crucial areas for improvement, according to what Sam stated on Unconfuse Me. Right now, anyone with ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise can use OpenAI to create and explore personalized “GPTs” that include instructions, abilities, or more knowledge. You may really use Codecademy’s customized GPT—previously referred to as a “plugin”—to search for documents and find particular courses. Check out the inventive GPTs that individuals are creating by visiting the GPT Store.

Sam made a suggestion that customers’ personal data might be incorporated by developers in further GPT versions. He claimed on the program that this included “the ability to know about you, your email, your calendar, how you like appointments booked, connected to other outside data sources, all of that.”

GPT-4 against GPT-5:

How can it defeat GPT-4? Primarily, it must surpass GPT-4 Turbo, the advanced model that OpenAI made available to subscribers at a cost in November.

The most sophisticated AI chatbot in the company can analyze even longer prompts of up to 128,000 tokens, or roughly the length of a 300-page book; it is better at following instructions; and based on user requests, it can automatically switch between tools, including the Dall-E 3 image generator and Bing search engine. Its knowledge of global events extends to April 2023, compared with 2021 for GPT-4.

ChatGPT has proven itself capable of doing well in exams, even after being banned by some schools.

A number of researchers and OpenAI have also tested the chatbot on actual tests. It was shown that GPT-4 had a reasonable chance of passing the challenging CFA exam. It aced the SAT reading and writing portion, scored in the 90th percentile on the bar exam, and placed between the 99th and 100th percentile on the 2020 USA Biology Olympiad semifinal exam.

Unless there’s a significant architectural innovation, performance usually scales linearly with data and model size, according to Joe Holmes, a curriculum developer at Codecademy with expertise in AI and machine learning. “But even small steps in the right direction will lead to unexpected new behavior,” he continues.

What, therefore, might a more intelligent and advanced GPT be able to accomplish? We’ll go over what we know about the GPT-5, how it might differ from earlier GPT models, and what we anticipate this new version will bring below.

A short history of the GPT models so far:


With the introduction of GPT-1 in 2018, OpenAI revolutionized the field of generative pre-trained language models. This ground-breaking model was trained on a dataset of more than 7,000 distinct unpublished books and was based on transformers, a particular kind of neural network architecture (the “T” in GPT). We provide a free course called Intro to AI Transformers where you can learn about transformers and how to work with them.


GPT-2, OpenAI’s follow-up to GPT-1, was created in late 2019. This massive transformer-based language model was trained on a dataset of 8 million web pages and has 1.5 billion parameters, or variables, that the model learns from data during training. For reference, that is ten times the amount of data and parameters utilized in GPT-1.


OpenAI increased the number of parameters to 175 billion with GPT-3.


ChatGPT joined the chat in November 2022, giving the foundational model chat features and the capacity to have human-like conversations. ChatGPT’s initial version was optimized for GPT-3.5, a model that falls between 3 and 4. Our complimentary course, Intro to ChatGPT, is an excellent resource for learning about ChatGPT and prompt engineering best practices. It teaches you how to use this potent technology.


According to the OpenAI blog post on the release, the most recent GPT model, which debuted in March 2023, is “more dependable, creative, and able to handle much more nuanced instructions than GPT-3.5.” Greg Brockman, President and Co-Founder of OpenAI compares the newest model’s response to prompts with the GPT-3.5 in the video below.

How to Utilize GPT-5

Although GPT-5’s release date is unknown, it’s safe to assume that it’s in the works. (OpenAI worked on GPT-4 for a minimum of two years prior to its formal release.) As with GPT-3.5, it’s also feasible that OpenAI will release an interim GPT-4.5 ahead of GPT-5. OpenAI has not yet made an official announcement regarding the release schedule.

Because of the way OpenAI prices its products, ChatGPT Plus members can use the most recent model for $20 a month, while free users can only use the previous version. In ChatGPT, you may choose the model you wish to use from a drop-down menu.

By selecting an option from the drop-down menu, you can alter the model that ChatGPT uses for you. Their pricing structure is said to mirror OpenAI’s typical approach. In ChatGPT, users can easily switch between models by selecting an option from the drop-down menu, giving them control over their experience with the program.

What does all this mean for you?

What does all this mean for you as a user studying AI and interested in the direction this incredible technology is taking? There is cause for optimism and excitement regarding the future model GPT-5’s capacity for problem-solving, as it may provide notable gains in speed and efficiency. However, the world won’t alter overnight.

Logan Kilpatrick, Head of DevRel at OpenAI, stated on an episode of Lenny’s Podcast,

“People have these unrealistic expectations that GPT-5 is going to be doing back flips in the background in my bedroom while it also writes all my code and talks on the phone with my mom or something like that.” “I say, ‘That’s not true.'” It will merely be this extremely useful tool, akin to GPT-4, and it will also swiftly become extremely commonplace.

It’s important to control your expectations and see each spectacular AI release through a realistic lens. When we use language model outputs, especially in situations where there are significant consequences, it is our responsibility as AI practitioners to exercise caution, consideration, and awareness of the limitations.

Keeping up with your familiarity with the available GPT models is the best method to get ready for GPT-5. Start by enrolling in our AI courses, which include Intro to ChatGPT to Build a Machine Learning Model and Intro to Large Language Models, which cover the most recent developments in AI. Additionally, our catalog includes AI courses and case studies that use a chatbot powered by GPT-3.5.

This allows you to gain practical experience with developing, testing, and improving prompts for particular tasks utilizing the AI system. For instance, you may learn prompt engineering strategies to pair programs in Python with a ChatGPT-like chatbot by reading Pair Programming with Generative AI Case Study. Examine all of our recently added AI features to become a more proficient and skilled developer who will be prepared for GPT-5 when it arrives.

Is ChatGPT-5 going to be free?

Although ChatGPT is available for free, it’s unknown if ChatGPT-5 will follow in its predecessor’s footsteps and demand a membership. For $20 a month, users can subscribe to ChatGPT Plus and enjoy special features like priority access during peak traffic hours, faster response times, plugin compatibility, and access to GPT-4. Users can also utilize DALLE, the company’s AI image model.

It’s also critical to remember that maintaining and training the language models we currently use is already costly. This implies that a ChatGPT Plus or Copilot Pro subscription will probably be needed to access GPT-5 when it is eventually published.


In the end, the introduction of GPT-5 may result in GPT-4 becoming more widely available and reasonably priced. Many consumers have been discouraged in the past by the expensive expense of GPT-4. However, ChatGPT’s capacity to manage difficult jobs like coding, translation, and research could greatly increase once it is more affordable and accessible. There are many more GPT 5 parameters to come; however, this is all we know about this model as of now.


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