Although it may seem difficult to figure out how to maximize or increase your ad revenue, you may raise your earnings considerably by using the appropriate techniques. If you own a website, or blog, or work in digital marketing, knowing five essential strategies will help you tremendously.

Make sure the correct people are seeing your adverts with targeted advertising. To achieve the most engagement, use technologies that let you target particular regions, hobbies, and demographics.

Publishers looking to increase their monthly revenue streams have found success with paid ad placement across websites, apps, and social media platforms to Increase ad revenue.

Estimates claim that there are up to 10,000 advertising in circulation currently, compared to an average of 500 in the 1970s, however, the precise number of advertisements we view per day is unknown.

Publishers can monetize their content in large part through ad money, especially as online advertising was anticipated to cost US$491.7 billion globally in 2021 and is predicted to cost US$571.2 billion this year.

If you’re looking to increase and diversify your revenue, we’ve included some advice below. But first, let’s review the essentials.

What Is Ad Revenue and How to Increase Ad Revenue?

Ad revenue is the money you get especially from putting advertising on behalf of other people for goods or services. Nowadays, the majority of commercials are displayed online, but ad money also pays for print ads in magazines and on television.

When we talk about advertisements in this context, we’re mostly talking about promotional materials that are used in traditional advertising channels. We’re not talking about links from things like blog posts or your website.

Even though these are technically classified as marketing, we do not use these advertisements when determining ad revenue.

How do you calculate ad revenue?

A number of elements need to be considered when calculating your ad revenue, but the three primary ones are the click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and effective cost per mile (eCPM).

To calculate your total ad revenue, multiply your eCPM by the quantity of impressions and divide the result by 1,000.

This is your calculation for ad revenue: Number of Impressions × eCPM / 1000. For example, if you run an advertisement 100,000 times and your eCPM is $7, the total revenue from ads is equal to (7×100,000) / 1,000, or $700.

Who Gets Paid for Advertising?

Ad money is usually collected by the corporations who host the websites with the ads on them. They and an ad provider might divide the adverts.

For instance, Google and the website host will split the cost if Generic Soap Company uses Google Ads to promote their soap on a blog.

How Are the Ads Operated?

The mechanism you’re utilizing to position the advertising affects how the ad placement works. Although it’s by far the most widely used, Google’s ad network isn’t your only choice.

Ad placement providers provide a variety of coding choices for integrating adverts onto a standard website. Typically, the website host can relocate and modify these banners, sidebars, or in-content boxes as needed.

Usually, site providers have less direct influence over the advertisements that show up on their websites. Rather, ad placement services aim to display ads that they determine are most likely to be of interest to any given user.

A more profitable and customized experience is offered by algorithmic ad placement.

Best Ways to Increase Revenue from Website Advertising

  • Maximize Ad Placement: Location is important. It’s important to place ads wisely to maximize visibility without detracting from the user experience.
  • Utilize Data Analytics: Examine your ad performance data on a regular basis to determine what is effective and ineffective. Adapt your tactics in light of this information.
  • Diversify Your Ad Forms: Try out a variety of ad forms, including video, native, and banner advertisements, to evaluate which ones work best for your target demographic.
  • A/B testing: Iteratively test various ad variants to find the ones that get the best click-through and conversion rates. Check out this article on maximizing ad revenue for more detailed information and resources to help you put these techniques into practice and begin increasing your revenues right away!

Advertising Revenue Metrics: CPM and CP

CPM, also known as cost-per-thousand or cost-per-impression, is the amount of money spent on an advertisement page for every 1,000 views.

On the other hand, cost-per-click, or CPC, represents the cost of a single click on an advertisement.

CPM and CPC are used by ad networks as their primary metrics.

How Are Estimates of Ad Revenue Prepared?

Determining total ad revenue is a rather easy task.

The CPM model states that the formula is the total number of ad impressions divided by 1,000 and multiplied by the predetermined CPM rate.

Furthermore, the CPC model divides the total number of ad clicks by 1,000 and doubles the agreed-upon CPC rate by that total.

Use the website’s ad income calculator to estimate the potential revenue.

How Much Cash Is It Possible to Make with Ads?

A few factors that influence CPM and CPC monetization are the demand and availability for a certain commodity or service, the ad network being used, the target audience’s demographics, the niche, and the season.

The desired audience and app or website traffic are the primary determinants of ad impressions and user clicks.

It’s basic math: as CPM, CPC, and traffic rise, so does revenue.

What Is YouTube Ad Revenue?

With 1.86 billion users, YouTube is a fantastic platform for in-stream ads, so publishers that haven’t joined the site yet might want to think twice.

There’s more reason to have a complementary presence because, according to Pew Data Center data, 74% of Americans used the platform last year.

Publishers must obtain over 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of viewing through the YouTube Partner Program in order to monetize their channels. Consequently, partners can make money from the ads that appear in their films.

What Is Facebook Ad Revenue?

The reasons for creating a Facebook page and launching a YouTube channel are the same. As of the end of September 2021, there will be 2.91 billion monthly active users on this social media network, making it a choice among advertisers.

Media and publishers on Facebook have five ways to make money from their accounts: live video income, brand partnerships, video ads, adverts inside articles, and shortcuts for subscriptions.

What Is In-App Ad Revenue?

The popularity of in-app advertising as a technique of monetization has increased dramatically over the last 20 years, coinciding with the rapid expansion of the mobile gaming industry. The latest estimates put the number of gamers worldwide at 2.66 billion. Games are evolving into a social media platform for advertising in addition to being a simple source of enjoyment.

Forecasts indicate that by 2021, mobile games will generate 45% of global gaming revenue. Hyper-casual games will make up 62% of the top 30 titles in terms of downloads out of this revenue.

These days, makers of mobile apps can make money from their apps by displaying adverts to users. These could be playable advertisements, banner ads, in-app purchases, or reward adverts.

Like any other form of advertising channel, the average revenue will also vary according to the popularity of the app, user involvement, and whether or not offer walls, interstitial ads, or rewarded advertisements are used. CPM rates in the game industry typically range from US$4.00 to US$12.00.

13 Ways to Boost Advertising Income

1. Decide who you want to reach out to:

The country in which your target market is located will affect the cost of CPM and CPC. An audience in Africa or the Balkans, for example, will have a substantially lower CPM than an audience in America due to the purchasing power of the relevant people.

The demographics of an app’s target user base adhere to the same guidelines. If an app is aimed at minors, for example, and most members of the target demographic lack the means to make a digital transaction, this could lead to a conversion bottleneck.

Therefore, low ad income could indicate that the target audience comes from low-liquidity demographics or from places with low CPM and CPC.

2. Raise the content’s quality:

The level of content determines the amount of money that comes in from ads. Advertisers who want to pay for views or clicks need to have a sizable audience and substantial traffic. The best way to increase visitors is to provide excellent content. This means that it is unlikely to be profitable to run adverts with subpar content.

Content needs to be genuine, valuable, and unique to the audience in order for Google to identify it. It must, in fact, be search engine optimized, ideally using terms with little competition and high search traffic.

The better your SEO, the higher Google and other search engines will rank your page.

3. Provide Adaptive Content:

Static content pages are not likely to bring in a lot of money from advertising. It is not enough to just post an article and hope for the best. Google favors content from blogs, vlogs, and forums that are updated often by users and publishers. Exhibiting a high level of engagement is crucial.

4. Offer a Free utility:

Google AdSense advises that websites with a free online utility are the best for attracting both one-time and returning visitors in order to increase user engagement.

5. Choose the Right Niche:

Supply and demand are used by ad networks to calculate CPM and CPC. This suggests that some highly sought-after industries or enterprises will witness higher levels of monetization.

Among the top-ranked niches are insurance, eCommerce, marketing, legal averaging, cryptocurrencies, online banking, the internet, technology, the automotive sector, and health.

6. Prevent Ad Blocker Issues:

Statista reports that 763.5 million internet users utilize ad blocks to prevent adverts from appearing, which negatively impacts ad campaigns.

There are two ways for publishers to avoid these ad bans.

Asking visitors to the website, app, or channel to turn off their ad blockers is one way to achieve this. This is a risky tactic since, regardless of how unique or fascinating the content is, it may turn off viewers. If your audience starts to dwindle, it could negatively impact both your Google ranking and your revenue targets.

The second tactic is to use native ads, which are included in the content of the website. This approach is more enticing since it enhances the content without irritating the user. For example, it could be beneficial to put an eCommerce software advertisement on a website that talks about eCommerce revenue strategies.

7. Optimize the Amount of Displayed Ads:

Less is often more in the world of marketing. A piece of writing, a video, or an app with too many adverts could turn off readers and result in a further decline in advertising revenue. Additionally, this will affect a website’s Google rating, resulting in decreased traffic.

Furthermore, if there are more advertisements than content, Google can consider this to be a violation of Webmaster guidelines. Finally, marketers detest having all of their material on one page.

For this reason, it’s better to display as many advertisements as possible, even if that means there are only two on a page. The optimal amount depends on the advertising’s dimensions, structure, and duration (especially for videos). Google Analytics is a helpful tool for analyzing how well-displayed advertising is optimized.

8. Track Ad Performance:

Because publishers are aware that the ads with the highest click-through rates (CTR) are the ones that the audience sees first, they usually place the ones with the highest CPC or CPM in the most attractive locations.

Although Google AdSense provides some general principles for ad placement, it is up to each publisher to figure out what works best for their specific page or application. For optimal monetization, it’s crucial to keep an eye on performance and modify the ad sequence as necessary.

9. Use Adjustable Prices and Paid Promotions:

Seasonality is another feature of ad revenue. This suggests that while there will be a lot of advertising throughout the holiday season (Christmas, Black Friday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.), you should expect decreased revenue between January and June.

If a publisher’s primary revenue stream is from adverts, they need to have a plan in place that takes into account variations in demand throughout the year. Yield optimization is one such strategy.

Publishers are able to optimize their ad space revenue by selling all available ad inventory at the greatest price all year long. Google Ads auctions lets publishers sell ad space to the highest bidder, giving you the opportunity to get the best price for your ad inventory.

Prices are flexible and changeable based on a range of external circumstances, such as demand and seasonality, because the strategy primarily depends on the actions of potential clients.

10. Ad Size Optimization:

Although higher ad sizes are better for online ad revenue, users may not like having advertisements take up the majority of their screen space. Furthermore, it’s important to choose sizes carefully because mobile devices account for over 60% of organic Google searches in the US nowadays. After all, your site’s rating will be impacted by a great user experience.

For horizontal ad slots, you can choose the medium rectangle (300×250), which is frequently used for banner ads. Alternatively, a 250×250 Square or a 200×200 Small Square looks good on desktop and mobile screens.

According to one study, on mobile devices with a high-performance rate, vertical advertisements can “increase processing fluency” and offer a satisfying user experience. For vertical ad slots, Google AdWords recommends the following sizes: 300×200, 300×100, 300×50, 250×250, and 200×200.

Google Adsense makes it easier for publishers and marketers to advertise by providing a variety of banner sizes for their ads.

11. Use a Variety of Ad Formats and Types:

Because publishers have access to so many channels—blogs, apps, social media accounts, video channels, websites, and more—the types and styles of ads will also differ.

Pop-ups, push alerts, banners, native ads, interstitials, pictures, and videos are some of the several formats in which the ads may appear. It’s usually a good idea to test and assess different ad layouts because some of them may create more cash from advertising than others, depending on the market and intended demographic. Some ad types will perform differently on desktops than on mobile devices.

It is generally a good idea for websites to support many formats, as this enhances user experience and increases click-through rates (CTR). Marketers will also be grateful for the effort.

12. Choose the Right Placement for Your Ad:

Inadequate website ad placement or poor app scheduling may be the cause of your low ad earnings. These mistakes may result in low ad visibility and a significant negative effect on revenue.

Make sure users of the website can view and quickly click on the advertisements. While some will operate more productively, others won’t. For example, placing ads in the middle of articles, behind the navigation bar, or inside whitespace generates significantly more money.

13. Improve Website Speed:

Low ad revenue can occasionally be attributed to a website’s poor load time. Excessive incorporation of content, particularly sponsored links, could negatively impact the website’s Google ranking and make it challenging for users to browse.

Publishers can avoid this issue by using lazy load, which loads the most popular images or videos first, accelerating the initial page load. The user scrolls down to load the remaining content from the system.


In conclusion, just like any other business, the monetization of applications, websites, or social media accounts requires a well-thought-out marketing strategy. You must always keep an eye on how well the ads are performing in order to keep your top spot in the Google search results.


The Advertising Compare is a leading platform dedicated to empowering consumers with the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions. We provide in-depth reviews on a wide range of products and services, covering Advertising & Marketing , Software & Tech Guides ,Business Services

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