The process of a startup going from an idea to a successful business is a lot like exploring new land. This road is inspiring, but it is also full of problems and risks. ChatGPT is a reliable friend in this exciting adventure who shows you the fastest way to win.

The ChatGPT language model from Open AI has 175 billion factors and a huge amount of training data, both of which give it amazing power. Because it has grown, it can now handle problems more correctly and in a more appropriate way. These days, a lot of different industries use this skill and ability to change, showing how useful and flexible it is.

Generative AI may be able to act as a flexible guide instead of several experts because it has a lot of experience with startups and a deep understanding of how businesses grow. Learn about how ChatGPT can help startups and join a new wave of AI-driven creativity. Here are the top 10 ChatGPT examples that show how the virtual helper makes sure decisions are made correctly.

A short intro to ChatGPT:

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a chatbot that generates text autonomously with artificial intelligence (AI). Because it has been educated on extensive datasets, it can communicate in a highly human-like manner, which accounts for its eloquence.

It gets more “knowledgeable” the more data it is fed.

How ChatGPT can be used in business is as follows:

“Since you are an expert copywriter, could you kindly leave a salutation on the mobile application’s home screen? Product: A mobile cooking app designed for working parents who want to prepare tasty and quick meals for their family. USP: Easy-to-use interface with a cookbook of your finest dishes, quick food lifehacks, and private lessons from the chef of New York’s best restaurant.”

ChatGPT assists in producing engaging content for your startup, such as blog entries, interview questions, and social media updates.

1. Decide Which Product Features to Develop

Let’s examine “Juicero”, the startup. This business created a high-quality juicer to extract juice from specially designed packaging with the goal of revolutionizing the juice industry. But the gadget was too hard to use and too expensive, and customers quickly learned that they could do the same thing by squeezing the bundles by hand.

Juicero failed as a result of over-engineering a fix for a problem that never existed in the first place. Failing to thoroughly develop an idea can have a similar outcome in the startup sector, regardless of the cause—a bad business model, insufficient market research, or subpar execution.

A ship that is poorly built is more vulnerable to storms when at sea. Startups need to fully evaluate their skills, and ChatGPT can be quite helpful in honing a business concept. Your virtual assistant can help you break through creative blockages by coming up with ideas, explaining ideas, and providing alternative views. After you have a general description of your product or service, use ChatGPT to come up with some more features.

2. Research on Potential Customers:

While traveling aboard a ship, you are aware of your destination but not its coordinates. You wind yourself on a barren island rather than a busy port. The predicament of a startup with an inaccurately established ideal customer profile (ICP) is reflected in this scenario. Your startup might never succeed in the market if your target audience is poorly defined.

This occurred with Zirtual, a startup. They catered to professionals and busy businesspeople by offering virtual assistants. They did, however, charge more for their services. It was discovered that their target market was more price-sensitive than anticipated. Due to this blunder, the company’s revenue was 60% lower than anticipated, which put a financial burden on the business and ultimately caused it to close.

Let’s get started now with a ChatGPT guide that can help you in a number of ways.

ICP check:

Enter your ICP to receive data analysis, consumer trends, and industry insights from ChatGPT.

Analyzing your competitors:

ChatGPT discovers the ICPs of your rivals, enabling you to improve your strategy by taking inspiration from your successful rivals or by locating unexplored markets.

Risk assessment:

ChatGPT finds possible dangers related to your ICP, much like a watchful ship captain preparing for a storm. He offers solutions to lessen them.

input loop:

ChatGPT analyzes user comments in real-time, enabling you to dynamically modify your ICP in response to practical input.

material creation:

ChatGPT produces engaging material that appeals to your target audience. ‍

This is an example of a prompt that will provide the most precise description of every one of your possible clients.

An example of using ChatGPT:

“Kindly contact any ICP in the USA who would be interested in developing an Android mobile culinary app. The app will offer a free (ad-supported) and a paid (ad-free, with access to recipes from the chef of New York’s greatest restaurant) subscription. The $5 monthly cost of the paid subscription will apply. Favorite recipes, time-saving restaurant dish preparation tips, and a search function for nearby organic food markets are just a few of the app’s features.”

“To draw in your ICPs, ChatGPT can assist you in creating a successful AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) plan. Enter your information in the ensuing prompt and employ a methodical approach to content development.”

“Could you create a piece for AIDA showcasing the USPs (unique selling points) of the following product? Product: A mobile cooking app for time-pressed parents searching for easy and delectable dinner ideas for their families. USPs: Easy-to-use interface, individualized lessons from the chef of New York’s top restaurant, a book of your favorite recipes, and life tips for quick restaurant meals.”

3. KeepingYourself Current with Technology

Imagine having an antiquated compass and basic maps in place of GPS and sophisticated radar systems. This hypothetical situation illustrates the predicament of a startup depending on antiquated or unsuitable technologies.

The launch of Blockbuster is a true illustration of this. The business held onto its DVD rentals as digital streaming platforms gained popularity. In the end, their reliance on antiquated technologies proved to be their downfall.

ChatGPT can evaluate your startup idea’s technological environment. It provides an overview of the most relevant and recent trends and breakthroughs in your sector. Furthermore, ChatGPT can assist you in creating a thorough plan for incorporating state-of-the-art technology into your startup.

Give ChatGPT details about your industry and intended audience, then obtain technology recommendations.

 Example prompts from ChatGPT:

“Which technology should I employ to create a mobile cooking application for the target market in the United States, which is primarily women between the ages of 25 and 65? Unique selling points (USPs): simple to use interface, twenty useful features, easy download, online chef guidance, and possibilities for both free and paid subscriptions.”

“Investigate original ChatGPT Reddit concepts and see the enormous possibilities of this potent AI language model.”

4. Quick Analysis of Competitors

Ships competing for the same areas will undoubtedly race alongside your vessel. Other companies fight with startups for customers, attention, and success. ChatGPT searches the market for competitive newcomers and well-established firms. It pinpoints their advantages, disadvantages, and positioning in the market to put you ahead of the game from the start.

Illustration of how ChatGPT is being used by startups:

“Please inform me of BuzzFeed’s advantages and disadvantages as a rival. What can I give to make my target audience—mostly American women between the ages of 25 and 65—more appealing? My USPs are a mobile cooking app that is easy to use, has 20 useful features, an intuitive UI, and offers both free and premium subscription choices. It also allows users to get online help from a chef.”

5. Modeling Feedback

A startup needs feedback badly. It functions similarly to navigational data to point your company in the right route. Neglecting or misconstruing feedback has the potential to mislead a firm.

This was the case with Quibi, the startup. They had a novel idea for short-form video content, high-profile advertisers, and all of that, but they should have handled early user input better. Their demise resulted from a 75% decrease in anticipated revenues as a result of this.

With ChatGPT, you can design surveys and analyze user feedback to gain insight into what’s working and what needs to be improved. Through feedback analysis, it may determine how well your startup is fulfilling the demands and desires of your target market.

In order to determine possible responses to your idea, you can mimic user input if your startup is still in development. This can be quite helpful in identifying possible advantages and disadvantages. You could, for instance, ask ChatGPT to post a review in the same way that you would a possible client.

6. Encourage ChatGPT to produce a review:

You’re a 40-year-old housewife from the US. Would you kindly provide a review for the Android cooking mobile application? The application offers two subscription options: free (with advertising) and paid (no advertising, with access to recipes from the chef of New York’s greatest restaurant). The features of the software assist homemakers in swiftly preparing delectable meals, storing recipes, and providing life hacks.

Using efficient prompts can greatly increase client satisfaction and guarantee a smooth and satisfying interaction with your product or service.

7. Expert Resolution of Monetary Problems

Only take enough provisions with you when you set sail. In business, resource depletion can be dangerous if financial risks are not understood.

A clear reminder comes from the notorious case during the dot-com bubble crash. Their aggressive marketing campaign was initiated without the development of a sustainable revenue model, which resulted in a sudden 40% loss of earnings.

8. ChatGPT can assist your startup with budgeting and revenue strategies.

ChatGPT conducts market research and analysis by examining purchase patterns, preferences, and demographics. You can also question the AI about pricing plans that can be developed using this data.

Budgeting & Cost Estimation: Your virtual assistant will calculate the expenditures associated with marketing, operations, and product development.

Financial projections: ChatGPT can assist in producing crucial economic projections based on the facts presented, but it cannot take the place of a financial expert. This can be helpful when starting a business.

9. Risk Assessment:

Your helper will assist in locating any financial hazards related to the business plan of the startup and provide crucial guidance on how to reduce them.

If you’re wondering how to find a better pricing approach, here’s an example query: How does chatgpt function in financial planning?

Please draft an ideal price plan that will be user-friendly and profitable for the company. Product: A mobile cooking app designed for working parents who want to prepare tasty and quick meals for their family. USP: Easy-to-use interface with a cookbook of your finest dishes, quick food lifehacks, and private lessons from the chef of New York’s best restaurant.

10. Content Generation

While traveling, if you don’t have a clear destination or route, you’ll end up aimlessly burning through resources and not getting anywhere. Similarly, a startup that lacks focused content is similar to one that lacks a defined course for its business.

In this case, ChatGPT steps in and handles a variety of jobs expertly:

suggestions for a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s interests;

Make sure you are reaching the correct audience by conducting a search engine term and phrase analysis;

  • coming up with concepts for articles, videos, blog entries, and other types of material;
  • presenting the content tactics of your rivals;
  • Rules for content distribution across channels and platforms.

11. Development of MVPs and Prototyping

Imagine embarking on a sea cruise aboard a ship that was thrown together quickly and not thoroughly tested or planned. The vessel might not have all the necessary elements, or it might have poor design. There is a serious risk to travel safety because of this. Similarly, a minimally viable product (MVP) that is badly developed by a startup might cause a lot of issues.

The goal of the startup Zano was to make a small drone. They earned millions of dollars on Kickstarter, but they were unable to produce a working product because of a subpar MVP. Though the crew made every attempt, they were unable to fulfill the product’s original promise, and after delivering about 600 drones that were only half functioning, they filed for bankruptcy.

By creating a clear plan for evaluating your concept and fine-tuning your startup’s approach, ChatGPT will prevent your ship from sinking. It can assist in deciding which features should be prioritized for later iterations and which are essential for the initial MVP.

Your virtual assistant can help you anticipate how people will engage with your MVP by swiftly generating potential use cases. ChatGPT can guarantee that MVP successfully engages your audience by providing strategies to lower bounce rates and increase user retention.

Use ChatGPT in conjunction with the prompt:

“You work as a qualified project manager for the creation of mobile applications. Please outline what the MVP should be when launching a business in order to meet users’ essential needs and save money. Product: A mobile cooking app designed for working parents who want to prepare tasty and quick meals for their family. USP: Easy-to-use interface with a cookbook of your finest dishes, quick food lifehacks, and private lessons from the chef of New York’s best restaurant.”

Recall that developing a successful mobile application requires having the right technological specs to make sure you’re taking the right steps when doing so.

12. Team dynamics and crew competency

Consider a ship with a tense crew. Neglecting team dynamics and failing to evaluate the skill level of your staff can cause internal strife and lower productivity in startups. Uber’s well-known early-stage leadership issues should serve as a lesson.

ChatGPT’s ability to handle a variety of activities might be crucial in assisting startups in putting together the best team of experts.

  • creating a description of a job.
  • supplying precise criteria in order to screen prospects.
  • supplying sample questions to help you get ready for the interview.
  • evaluating a candidate’s cultural fit for a startup.
  • tests used to evaluate abilities.
  • questions to verify references.

ChatGPT can offer advice on assembling a varied and harmonious team with a range of abilities. Additionally, it can provide recommendations for a productive onboarding procedure that guarantees a seamless integration of new hires into the startup’s operations.

When looking for staff, ChatGPT can resolve business issues in the following ways:

“We are seeking an administrator for our firm, an Android mobile cooking software designed for working parents in the United States. To choose candidates for this role, kindly create exams.”

13. Making a Demonstration

As you may have heard, an improperly organized presentation was the exact cause of the recent controversy surrounding the startup Theranos, which aims to transform blood testing. Elizabeth Holmes, their founder, delivered speeches that were subsequently discovered to be deceptive. The corporation suffered serious legal and financial repercussions as a result.

ChatGPT may assist in improving the presentation for your startup so that it effectively conveys your value proposition. To ensure you have well-thought-out and comprehensive responses ready, ask him to come up with possible queries investors might have.

You might enquire about market trends or customer pain problems while you draft your plan. By the way, have faith in AI’s own plan. You’ll get a powerful presentation that makes sense and covers important topics.

Please draft a presentation plan for an Android startup cooking app targeted at working parents in the US. USP: Easy-to-use interface with a cookbook of your finest dishes, quick food lifehacks, and private lessons from the chef of New York’s best restaurant. The presentation’s goal is to draw in possible investors. The speaking portion lasts about fifteen minutes.

What are some drawbacks of ChatGPT & Advantages:

This language model creates text by analyzing the input it gets. It can replicate human-like conversations and respond in a logical manner. Because the algorithm was only trained on data through September 2021, it is not perfect and occasionally generates biased or erroneous content.

Furthermore, ChatGPT’s training data was not fact-checked, which means that the model can produce answers to users’ queries even in the absence of true information—a condition referred to as hallucination. Furthermore, because the data is uncurated, biases that may not be in line with company or client priorities are frequently present.

Organizations using ChatGPT must exercise caution due to these combined restrictions. This is especially true for situations where sensitive data must be entered or where the model must be used to support crucial decision-making procedures.

Actual Cases of How Companies Are Already Using ChatGPT

Perspective is a prominent Magento-based e-commerce solution provider that constantly incorporates new ideas into its work. This year, the business participated in iForum, the premier IT gathering in Eastern and Central Europe, where CEO Artur Potulny gave a presentation on ChatGPT’s application in e-commerce. It’s important to note that the field of artificial intelligence is presently experiencing an incredible upsurge, marked by the consistent release of new goods, iterations, and creative solutions nearly every week. The details in this post are relevant to the situation in August of 2023. Nonetheless, in the fast-paced, AI-driven world of today, every case study covered here is still quite pertinent.

The market for artificial intelligence

Currently, there is a wide range of AI solutions that cover several areas of human activity. While some AI systems are intended to support people in their career pursuits, others—like those used in contact centers or content management—can totally replace some occupations.

These days, artificial intelligence is capable of producing written texts, creating images, understanding and synthesizing spoken language, and even writing music. Interestingly, AI systems dedicated to website hacking and fortification already exist.

The advent of artificial intelligence working with other AI systems is a significant advance. While some AI systems tackle complex tasks expertly, others break them down into smaller, more manageable parts.

Although the market is flooded with AI solutions, this article will focus on ChatGPT’s potential in the e-commerce space, which was developed by OpenAI.

Overview of the OpenAI product line

GPT, Dall-E, and Whisper Model Introduction

A neural network model with roots in transformer technology is called GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). GPT is highly proficient in natural language processing jobs and is capable of producing text that nearly resembles human writing because to its thorough pre-training on a wide range of text data.

Conversely, Dall-E is a neural network specifically engineered for the production of images. Because of its extraordinary ability, realistic drawings, photographs, or illustrations can be produced from text input, demonstrating a very high degree of creative imagination. There are several Dall-E-generated images that are identical to real photos.

In the meantime, Whisper is a speech recognition system powered by AI. Whisper is a technology that has been applied in many different use cases that makes it easier to convert audio recordings into text transcripts with ease.

From the next integration examples, it is clear that the OpenAI models are quite capable and have great potential to solve a variety of business problems.

How does GPT Work:

Word each word, the model parses the input text and uses an embedding layer to turn each word into a numerical vector.

These vectors go through a multi-layer transformer architecture in a sequential manner. Every layer looks at word relationships and pinpoints the semantic elements that makeup sentences.

This analysis is used by the model to forecast the likely words that will come next and produce output text that closely resembles human language.

GPT adjusts its internal parameters during training in order to reduce the amount of inaccuracy in its prediction of the next word in a phrase.

As a result, GPT is a strong language model with excellent semantic and linguistic precision for both text analysis and generation. It can understand words almost as well as a human.

Obstacles: Stagnation and Re-localization:

Ukrainian businesses are facing two major issues in the current market environment, which is driving them to look for creative solutions like incorporating ChatGPT.

One of the primary challenges that businesses face is expanding into new markets through relocation. Businesses from both the West and Ukraine are actively localizing their initiatives to places like Poland, the Baltic States, and other places. As a result, businesses are faced with an immediate need for significant content creation.

The necessity of creating customized website versions in a variety of languages when expanding into new markets is a key element fueling this demand. This means producing original material that is sensitive to the unique audience and cultural quirks of each location.

Translating and customizing an organization’s current content to fit the distinct needs of new markets is another crucial goal. This includes translating user manuals, technical documentation, websites, and more. Moreover, it is crucial to consistently update content on all corporate websites to sustain audience engagement and relevancy. This means that new articles, reviews, and news updates must be produced on a regular basis. Falling sales and the stagnation of conventional marketplaces make up the second issue.

To increase sales, businesses need to find innovative techniques to draw clients, such as customization. Customers nowadays need consistency and special attention, after all.

Eighty percent of consumers want to see recommendations, marketing messages, and personalized content from brands, according to recent research. Only 20% of businesses can offer this degree of customization, though.

To deliver experiences that are relevant to your customers, you must assess their data, behavior, interests, and so on, and modify offers and content accordingly. It is not possible to manually configure this level of customization for every user.

Therefore, new methods for content and personalization are desperately needed in light of re-localization and stagnation. Here is where ChatGPT and related technologies come in handy.

We have also seen some interesting trends in the way Ukrainian businesses responded to our proposal to incorporate ChatGPT into their operations.

  • First, it’s important to emphasize that almost all of our clients were previously aware of this technology and had discussed how their teams might use it. This demonstrates how Ukrainian companies are keeping up with the latest developments in artificial intelligence worldwide.
  • Second, most of these businesses already knew how they wanted to use ChatGPT for their initiatives. Some even proposed novel concepts that Perspective had never thought about before. This demonstrates how interested corporations are in using AI practically.

As such, there is ample market readiness and openness to implementing new technology. Not only are Ukrainian businesses aware of ChatGPT, but they are also actively looking into how to use it to address business difficulties. This is a really promising sign for the future of the technology.

In the B2B sector, ChatGPT has become one of the most popular subjects. Examples of the chatbot’s responses have been posted on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms since it was made generally accessible to the public in late November 2022.

Someone using a phone to use ChatGPT

Nobody doubts ChatGPT’s intelligence. But the real question is: How well can it deliver information or make our lives—both personal and professional—easier?

We tested the chatbot to evaluate how useful it could be in daily life. These are the outcomes.

What is the current usage of ChatGPT?

People who are just curious to see what it’s like to strike up a conversation with the most well-known chatbot in the world account for a portion of the traffic. But corporations and educational organizations also find it popular.

Businesses typically utilize ChatGPT and other AI technologies to do exploratory research on a subject or to create commercial assets like product descriptions, social media text, and even code.

I’ve stumbled across a really intriguing use case from Dave Gerhardt of Exit Five. He thinks that if AI is given information about your desired tone, voice, and corporate personality, it may be a terrific ally for brand voice.

AI can assist you in maintaining a consistent brand voice—ChatGPT How-To Example Image Source

Therefore, if I were to compare ChatGPT to a human, I would say that it’s like having a helpful assistant who can help you get things started.

Like people, technology occasionally produces false or misleading results, especially given its limited knowledge of events that have occurred after 2021.

Therefore, before forming a judgment or making a business claim based on information from the chatbot, anyone utilizing it for work-related purposes should double-check the facts.


While ChatGPT can help with many startup chores and generate ideas, it cannot completely replace human decision-making and critical thinking. It is best to employ human experience in conjunction with this potent tool. You can start your business with a competitive advantage by utilizing ChatGPT’s capability.

Would you like to use ChatGPT’s capabilities to combine your ideas? We can assist you in incorporating the most effective language model into your company. That said, there are many new features coming with the newer and updated language model GPT-5. The GPT-5 Parameters might be unknown for now however they are expected to better the language model even more.


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